In the United Kingdom, around 80% of all fire deaths and injuries occur in domestic premises, over 300 deaths and around 9 000 injuries per annum. The installation of a fire detection and fire alarm system in premises can substantially reduce these risks.
It has been estimated that, in premises without smoke detectors, a substantial proportion of the fatalities from fire could be avoided if smoke detectors were installed. The fatality rate in fires in premises in which there is no working smoke detector is between two and three times the fatality rate in fires in premises in which a smoke detector is present and functions correctly.
The installation of automatic fire detectors is required in new houses, flats and maisonettes in order to satisfy building regulations. In existing houses in multiple occupation, the installation of an automatic fire detection and fire alarm system is normally required by the relevant enforcing authorities. Communal fire alarm systems are sometimes appropriate in houses that have been converted into self-contained flats.